2015 – ongoing
Internationally served: the Peñalosa administration of Bogota in Colombia; the heads of Singapore’s agencies in charge of land transportation, public housing, urban design and national parks; the city of Shenzhen, etc.. In Australia: the Hunter New England Local Health District, The Australian Property Council, Mavid Group, The City of Newcastle, Bykko, Economic Development Queensland, etc.. Lobbyist for the Japanese bicycle components manufacturer Shimano at events in New York and Friedrichshafen. Professional keynote addresses in Leiden, Oslo, Bogota, Zaragoza, Amsterdam, Vancouver, Adelaide, Nijmegen, Sydney, Singapore, New York, Rotterdam, Brisbane etc..
Hoi! Arkitektur Partner
Registered the specialist architectural firm Hoi! Arkitektur in Norway to assist with the country’s ambitious bike plans and enthusiastic reception of the books Cycle Space and Velotopia. Consulted to The Green Building Council of Norway, FutureBuilt, Ramboll Engineering, Fragment Architects, the Pådriv partnership and Bane NOR (Norway’s rail authority).
From 2016
Tom Farrell Institute for the Environment
Conjoint Associate Professor
Gathered input from this interdisciplinary team regarding an active transport loop concept for Newcastle. Contributed to policy directions and research quantum.
2015 - 2017
Cycle Space Amsterdam (now BYCS)
Founding Partner
Founding partner of the Cycle Space office in Amsterdam (renamed BYCS with departure in 2017). Assisted with Cycle Space Amsterdam’s successful bid to become the public-private partner of the government of Amsterdam, promoting that city's reputation for leadership in bicycle planning. Keynote speaker at the launch of Amsterdam’s circular-economy display city, FabCity, for which Cycle Space would build a temporary pavilion. In 2017, curated the first Bicycle Architecture Biennale, that travelled the Netherlands, and was repeated in 2019. Received envoys for bike tours of Amsterdam, including the mayor and executives of the City of Fitzroy, the “Bicycle Mayors” of Cycle Space’s global Bicycle Mayor Program, and transport planners for the Queensland state government.
From 2014
The University of Canberra
Adjunct Associate Professor
Assisted the discipline of Architecture with its preparations for accreditation, and by providing an overseas study experience to participating students. Contributed to conversations about cycling participation among students and staff.
The University of Tasmania
Senior Architectural History Lecturer
Held the executive position of Graduate Research Coordinator for the School of Architecture and Built environment. Coordination of two history courses, and one theory course, for students of architecture, interior design and landscape architecture. Curriculum development and study tour leading for an overseas study experience in Italy. Coordination of exploratory, bike-transport focused architectural design studio programs and developing bicycle transport as a research area for the discipline of architecture. Brought Harvard bicycling researcher and epidemiologist, Dr. Anne Lusk, to Australia. Served on the advisory board of the international Bicycle Urbanism Symposium series of the University of Washington. Attracted and supervised two PhD candidates with research projects on bicycle transport. Published Cycle Space and wrote Velotopia. Supervised bicycle transport related honours research projects.
The University of Newcastle
Architectural History Lecturer
Held the executive position of Degree Coordinator for the Bachelor of Design (Architecture) program. Research higher degree supervision. Coordination of undergraduate courses on the history of architecture and urban design in ancient, past and twentieth-century contexts. Coordination of architectural design studio courses for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students. Dean of postgraduate coursework and convening of the Master of Applied Management program (UofN’s first program to be offered completely online). In charge of promoting and implementing the inaugural Glenn Murcutt Master Class. School representative for the Faculty Research Committee, the Faculty Progress and Appeals Committee and the Newcastle chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects. Coordination of the school’s guest lecture program.
Used a research sabbatical to write Cycle Space based on fieldwork in New York, Chicago, Portland OR, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris, Singapore, Washington DC, Newcastle and Sydney. As a member of the UofN Bicycle User Group, mapped what would become known as Newcastle Cycle Route 6.
Renaissance Tours
Architectural Study Tour leader
Design, promotion and tour leading of annual study tours to Italy, Greece, France and Spain. Nurturing commercial partnerships with overseas travel providers. Attending to the wellbeing, safety and learning needs of groups of 20 to 30 university students.
2011 and 2013
The Harvard School of Public Health
Visiting Scientist
Collaborated with Walter Willett (Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition) and Dr. Anne Lusk on research into the public health impacts of bicycle-friendly architecture and urban design. Working on location in 2011 and 2013, and otherwise collaborating online. Annual lectures delivered via Skype, into an extension course on active environments, for MA students of Harvard until 2018.
Department of Philosophy, Columbia University
Visiting Scholar.
With emeritus Johnsonian professor of philosophy, Arthur C. Danto, explored the applicability and utility of his philosophy of art to the field of architecture. Published a paper co-authored with Danto in the journal Architectural Theory Review.
1996 – 1999 The University of Newcastle
PhD Researcher, Research Assistant
Design Tutor.
International archival research and fieldwork, reading and critical writing as required for the completion of PhD dissertation. Work titled The Bed Maker’s Model accepted, without amendment, by three external examiners. Research assistant to professor Barry Maitland on a project documenting the three-generation Pender architectural practice. Design studio tutor to undergraduate students of architecture.
1995 – 1996
EJE Architecture
Graduate Architect
Fieldworld and research to document shedule 4 heritage items for Cessnock, Dungog, Great Lakes, Maitland, Muswellbrook and Port Stephens local councils. Project Architect undertaking design, documentation, contract administration and project management. Main projects: Australian Defense Industries Shore Integration Facility; The Hunter Valley Research Foundation facilities; Toddler-Town long-daycare; Irving Residence; Minmi Amenities Block; and “Regency Park” housing.
1993 – 1995
Housing and Development Board, Singapore
Designed a public housing estate in Bukit Panjang with 360 dwelling units in 4 towers, a multi-storey car park, a shop, a community center and covered walkways, including precinct and landscape design. Designed Serangoon Community Park with 2.4 hectares of landscaping, an amphitheater, bicycle path, shelters, garden follies, bridges, surface parking and sculptural features. Quality control and coordination of amendments and contract variations for 3 public housing estates in Toa Payoh and Tampines, with a total of 1450 dwelling units, multi-storey car parks, neighbourhood centers, shops, landscaping and associated facilities.
1990 – 1992
Building Designer
Own Business
Design and documentation of new townhouse developments in Newcastle. Building inspections and documentation of damage to commercial structures caused by Newcastle’s 1989 earthquake.